
Aspire to Inspire

My Portfolio | Training Section

When I began my career I would never have guessed the apex of all my expertise and experience would lead me to Training.

But after working for nearly a decade in the software industry on a wide range of products and systems, I noticed there was one area every organization routinely struggled with. Most users simply didn’t know how to use the applications and systems they relied on most. When asked, many said they either didn’t receive training or the training they did receive was a waste of their time. Once users lose interest, organizations understandably scale back or even abandon training altogether, opting to allocate valuable resources elsewhere. Once your team stops learning - it ceases to be effective and competitive.

Leadership and learning are inseparable

Our lives have become inextricably tied to the digital world. Gaps between technology and the skills necessary to master so much innovation are rapidly widening. The need for high quality, effective training has never been greater. The most effective training methods are an amalgam of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (using) learning styles. The good news? As video and live streaming capabilities continue to grow, it's never been easier to learn online. In addition to going at your own pace, technology-based learning offers scalability and consistency.

Current Video Training Usage by Company Size

Scripted for success

The training method I’ve used with the most success is video training. While my video demonstrations closely mimic my live instructor-led classes, they remove the need for an in-person facilitator. Each video is judiciously scripted to ensure nothing is left out, without being verbose. My narrations are carefully edited for clarity and brevity, which drives discovery and retention.

Gaining that competitive edge

Video Training

User Guides

Training Sites

Training Galleries

Click on the icons to check out some of the training assets and materials I have used with success.